As most of you who may be following this particular blog realize; not only will I discuss events regarding spirituality and naturopathy, but also events and life living with, and surving brain injury. Anyone who wants to find out how many friends they truly have, all one has to do is have a traumatic event occur in their lives. There are actual statistics that because brain injured people literally 'change,' the people in their lives, prior to an accident seem to disappear.
I'm going to save all of these topics for another day and time. Today, I simply want to apologize for having not kept the blog up. I began having problems the night before Mother's Day and found myself in ICU -
With the love of my family, and the help of my doctor, and some close friends, I am home again, and re-strengthening. I want to convey to anyone who actually reads these blogs.... and who has actually gone through traumatic events, or challenging events; Robert Schuller once said, "Never, Never, NEVER Quit!"
The Lord walks with each of us, and strengthens us. In Universal Law, no matter what our personal beliefs, our Creator loves each of us. Even in our lowest moments, Never Give Up!
I will be back soon!